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International/National Management Consulting Assignments Handled: Since 1975 末末末末末 (A)



Major consulting client/funding agency

Undertaken and handled
in association with

Brief nature of work

SFACO  Contract/ Subcontract
Budget/ US $’000 (at the-then  prevalent rates)




Bangladesh Telegraph and Telephone Board/World Bank


None, self-conducted


Valuation of fixed assets all over the country and designing  asset records; designing  accounting, costing and  management information  systems and conducting training thereon


$ 53




Bangladesh Agricultural
Development Corporation/ World Bank


SGV & Co, Manila,



Development of computerized accounting, stores accounting, integrated planning, budgeting, internal control, management information  system and designing an improved organizational structure.


$ 16




Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation


(i)  SGV & Co,
      Philippines, and (ii) Yard Ltd, UK


Examining system of fleet scheduling both for operation and maintenance, development and utilization of cargo, transportation including barge operation and towage.


$ 40




Bangladesh Bank (country's central bank)/ USAID, Dhaka


Public Administration Service, USA


Rural Finance Experimental Project (RFEP)  Development of models for  self-financing credit  distribution and capital generation through  mobilization of savings towards building up an economically and socially viable rural credit  system.


$ 721




Bangladesh Bank/ USAID, Dhaka


Nathan Associates Inc, Virginia, USA


Rural Finance Project (RFP)
Formulating Government policies towards rural savings mobilization,   recovery of loans, policy  reforms and impact  monitoring and financial sector review


$ 866




Underprivileged Children's Educational Programme (UCEP) (NGO)/Embassy of Switzerland


ATAG Fiduciaire Generale SA, Fribourg, Switzerland


Investigating into management, financial, accounting and reporting affairs of the NGO over a period of calculating/estimating funds embezzled and designing improved  systems.       


$ 20




Jamuna Multipurpose
Bridge Authority/ World Bank


Nathan Associates Inc, USA


Dry-season traffic survey


$ 42




CARE International/ USAID, Dhaka


International Development Institute for Organization and Management (IDIOM), Pennsylvania, USA


Review of institutional incentives for raising level of output of  personnel engaged in Food for Works Programmes by conducting surveys and computer- based analysis.                   


$ 43




Bangladesh Shilpa  Bank (BSB) Bangladesh Shilpa Rin  Sangstha (BSRS) (two primary state- owned development financing institutions  or DFIs)/Asian Development Bank  and UNDP, Dhaka


Nathan Associates Inc, USA


Rehabilitation of the two DFIs-BSB & BSRS Designing a computer- based operation and management system towards a turnaround of the two DFIs.


$ 150




Ministry of Finance, GoB, National Board of Revenue, World Bank, Bangladesh Bank, and others/ USAID, Dhaka


(i) Nathan Associates Inc, USA, and
(ii) WPI Inc, Cambridge, MA, USA


Export Development Project Computerized system of calculation of input coefficient for import duty drawback, and training.


$ 191




Ministry of Finance  of GoB, Bangladesh Bank, four nationalized commercial banks, etc/ World Bank, IMF and USAID, Dhaka


(i) Nathan Associates Inc, USA,  and
(ii) Booz. Allen & Hamilton, Singapore 


Financial Sector Reforms Project (FSRP) Analysis of monetary policy issues; bank supervision; credit installation and operation  of about 100 PCs and 3 mainframes for the  computerization segment of the assignment and training of client personnel in the country and abroad


$ 2,358




Ministry of Finance of GoB/DFID (ODA), UK


(i) International Management Consultants Ltd, and

(ii) Helm Corporation Ltd of UK


Reforms in Budgeting and Expenditure Control (RIBEC)
 Phases 1 to 2B Detailed and computerized implementation of improved and coordinated budgeting, classification and accounting for the entire country, formulation of  rules and regulations, and expenditure control functions and training the concerned GoB  personnel all over the country. 


$ 1,128




Ministry of  Commerce, GoB(State-Owned Life and General Insurance Corporations) /Asian Development Bank


(i) Watson Wyatt Singapore Pte Ltd, and

(ii) Janet Tay Consultant Pte Ltd, Singapore


Review of the Life  Insurance Corporation and the General Insurance Corporation, pension and provident fund operations and of insurance regulations of the country.


$ 12




World Bank Mission to design and implement the GoB’s Commercial Bank Restructuring Project (CBRP)


Other  Members of the Mission


As Mission Member, review of the status of progress made in the country upon completion of the World Bank’s Financial Sector Reforms Project (1991-96), designing the follow-on project CBRP, and formulating the ToR for CBRP



Ministry of Finance of GoB/ World Bank – for the largest  nationalized commercial bank (NCB), Sonali Bank, under GoB's Commercial Bank Restructuring Project for 4 NCBs of the country

None, self-conducted

Special evaluation, loan portfolio analysis and redrawing financial statements based on international accounting standards and loan classification formats and latest recommendations of the Basle, Switzerland-based Committee on  Banking Supervision.

$ 106



Bangladesh Services Limited (Owners of Dhaka Sheraton Hotel)


Carrying out physical inventory of fixed assets, preparation of computerised fixed assets register, revaluation of assets, determination of liabilities and working out the net worth of Bangladesh Services Ltd  at 31 December 1999

$   12


Investment Corporation of Bangladesh (ICB)

MI Chowdhury & Co, Chartered Accountants, (Lead Firm : SFACO)

Formulating policies and detailed implementation plans, in conformity with recommendations of Asian Development Bank and their agreement with Government of Bangladesh, for splitting ICB by functions, formation of 3 new subsidiary companies to undertake functions to separately operate in capital markets, namely, merchant banking, asset management (and mutual fund operation) and securities trading (stock brokerage), preparing financial projections, designing all necessary operational manuals, etc.

$    16


Jamuna Multipurpose Bridge Authority (JMBA)


(i) Development Design Consultants Ltd,
(ii) Consulting Engineers,  and (iii) Ahmad & Ahmad, Chartered Accountants,  (Lead Firm : SFACO)

Identification, verification, valuation and recording of all fixed assets procured by and for JMBA, and located at JMBA Head Office at Dhaka and the 2 project sites adjoining the bridge.


$    90


Municipal Services Project, Local Government Engineering Department/ World Bank Office, Dhaka (WBOD)-financed

Ahmad & Ahmad, Chartered Accountants,  (Lead Firm : SFACO)

Financial and operational audit of accounts including checking of internal controls, release and use of funds, identifying management weaknesses, etc. and, more importantly, focusing on examining whether or not all external funds were used and all counterpart funds were provided in accordance with conditions of the relevant Development Credit Agreement, project accounts were prepared in accordance with Project Management Reports comprising Financial Statements and Project Progress Reports and duly and correctly provide a full profile of resources and expenditures, and whether or not adequate financial and operational controls were in place to meet project objectives.  


$     6


Health and Population Program Project (HPPP), Primary Education Development Project (PEDP), and Second Rural Roads and Markets Improvement and Maintenance Project (RRMIMP-II)/World Bank Office, Dhaka (WBOD) – financed


Post-review of contracts for the 3 Projects - Verification of eligibility for funding, verification of compliance of all the 3 Projects with WBOD’s procurement procedures as indicated in its legal documents including identification of contracts warranting consideration for declaring misprocurement, establishing whether the Projects’ existing documentation and record-keeping are adequate and verifying whether goods and works exist at intended locations and were being used for the purposes they were acquired.

$    16


Beximco Group of Industries/ Companies


Valuation of shares of five (5) companies/ units of Beximco Group of Industries/ Companies as of  31 December 2002

$     17


International Leasing and Financial Services Limited

None, self-conducted

Valuation of shares




Industrial and Infrastructure Development Finance Company Limited

None, self-conducted

Valuation of shares





Bengal Fisheries Limited

None, self-conducted

Valuation of shares




Dart Express Bangladesh (Pvt) Limited

None, self-conducted

Valuation of shares




Prime Tower Limited

None, self-conducted

Valuation of land and building




Bangladesh Shilpa Rin Sangstha

None, self-conducted

Valuation of assets and liabilities and determination of net worth

$   14


Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Ltd

None, self-conducted

Valuation of assets and liabilities and determination of net worth

$   14


Novartis (Bangladesh) Limited

None, self-conducted

Valuation of shares




Sheba Telecom Pvt. Limited (Banglalink)

None, self-conducted

Physical verification of various telecom equipment, namely, Base Transreceiver Station, Base Station Controller, and Mobile Switching Center of Sheba Telecom Pvt. Limited (Banglalink) as of 30 June 2008

$    11


X-Net Ltd

None, self-conducted

Valuation of assets and liabilities for the purpose of valuation of shares of X-Net Ltd, a joint venture company of GrameenPhone Ltd and Government of Bangladesh



Shinepukur Ceramics Limited

None, self-conducted

Valuation of shares 



Apex Weaving & Finishing Mills Limited  


None, self-conducted

Valuation of shares




Sattar Textile Mills Limited

None, self-conducted

Valuation of shares 




Warid Telecom International Limited

In association with Ernst & Young, India

Conducting due diligence and submission of Due Diligence Report on direct tax, indirect tax, corporate and regulatory issues including foreign exchange-related matters of Warid Telecom International Limited for the purpose of acquisition of its shares.



JICA Bangladesh

None, self-conducted

Needs and marketing study of social business in Bangladesh

$    60


UNICEF Bangladesh

None, self-conducted

Sight review of implementing partner’s financial and procurement capacity

$     4


Energyprima Limited

None, self-conducted

Re-financing feasibility

$     3


Gas Transmission Company Limited

None, self-conducted

Valuation of the company

$ 3.8


Rangs Limited

None, self-conducted

Revaluation of land of the company

$ 1.2



None, self-conducted

Conducting  micro assessment of  implementing partners

$ 12.8


Khulna Power Plant Limited 

None, self-conducted

Debt proposal for establishment of 100± 10% MW HFO-fired power project, at Khulna

$ 6.4


Jamalpur Power Plant Limited 

None, self-conducted

Debt proposal for establishment of 100± 10% MW Dual-Fuel (HFO/Gas) Fired Power Project, at Jamalpur 

$ 6.4


Solar Intercontinental (SOLARIC) Ltd

None, self-conducted

Valuation of  Intellectual Property as of 30 June 2013

$ 6.4


Citibank, NA

None, self conducted

Calculation of excise duty on fixed deposits, loans and advances, etc

$ 7.6


SIMCO Spinning and Textiles Ltd

None, self conducted

Valuation of lands, buildings and other fixed assets

$ 4


Elite Paint and Chemical Industries Ltd

None, self conducted

Accounting service

$ 12.82


Solar Intercontinental (SOLARIC) Ltd

None, self conducted

Advising on fund raising through issuance of redeemable, non-convertible, cumulative preference shares

$ 19.23


Petredec Elpiji Limited

None, self conducted

Physical verification of fixed assets and preparation of fixed assets register

$ 5


Powertek Energy-Bangladesh Operations

None, self conducted

Physical verification of fixed assets and preparation of fixed assets register

$ 3.8


Citibank, NA

None, self conducted

Physical verification of fixed assets and preparation of fixed assets register

$ 5.8


Citibank, NA

None, self conducted

Specific validation of NBR claim on VAT and income tax, realization process, VAT reconciliation, etc

$ 8


Credit Rating Information and Services Limited

None, self conducted

Valuation of the company

$ 2.5

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